
2021-11-10 14:01:25



奥利司他不仅能抑制人体对脂肪酸的吸收,也能抑制胆固醇的吸收;有研究发现,奥利司他将胆固醇的吸收率从 59% 下降到 44% ,减少25%[066]。


066 Orlistat inhibits dietary cholesterolabsorption. - PubMed - NCBIhtm




通过频超声测定肱动脉反应性充血前后管径的变化(FMD),奥利司他显著增加 FMD,改善内皮功能[023]。来自中国的一项研究显示,高血压肥胖患者服用奥利司他治疗 12 周,肱动脉内径增加 14%[041]。


023Orlistat improves endothelial function inobese adolescentsa randomised trial. -PubMed - NCBI.htm
041 Effect of orlistatassisted weight loss on endothelium-dependent vasodilation in obese Chinese subjects with hvpertension.- PubMed-NCBI.htm




有大量涉及奥利司他用于糖尿病的临床研究。英国的一项 54 周的多中心双盲安慰剂对照研究显示(n=531),奥利司他显著降糖耐量和空腹血糖[064]。研究也证实,奥利司他显著降低空腹血糖[011,036,044]。肥胖糖尿病患者服用奥利司他 1 年,显著改善脂代谢、血糖控制、胰岛素对抗等指标[030]。相关荟萃分析显示,对有高血糖的超重或肥胖人群,服用奥利司他,比单纯的生活干预更有效地降低体重,更好地改善血糖控制[007]。


064 Randomised trial of the effect of orlistat on body weight and cardiovascular disease risk profile in obese patients UK Multimorbidity Study. - PubMed - NCBI.htm
011 Benefit-risk assessment of orlistat in the treatment of obesity.- PubMed - NCBI.htm
036 Impact of orlistat-induced weight loss on diastolic function and heart rate variability in severely obese subjects with diabetes.- PubMed-NCBI.htm
044 Comparison of orlistat treatment and placebo in obese type 2 diabetic patients -PubMed-NCBIhtm
030 Effects of 1-year orlistat treatment compared to placebo on insulin resistance parameters in patients with type 2 diabetes -PubMed-NCBI.htm
007 Effect of orlistat on glycaemic control in
overweight and obese patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus a systematic review and meta-analysis of ra.. - PubMed - NCBI.htm




60 毫克奥利司他服用 3 个月显著降低肝内脂肪(-43%)[032]。双盲安慰剂对照研究:非酒精性脂肪肝患者(肝穿刺确认)服用奥利司,显4著地降低转氨酶(-48%vs-26%安慰剂),显著逆转脂肪肝(超声) (P<0.05) [056]。


032 Pragmatic study of orlistat 60 mg on abdominal obesity. - PubMed - NCBI.htm
056 A double-blind randomized placebo-controlled trial of orlistat for the treatment of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease. - PubMed - NCBI.htm




多囊卵巢综合症患者应用奥利司他, 显著降低体重、HOMA(胰岛素抵抗水平指标)、雄激素和胰岛素[002,021];与二甲双胍相比,更好地促进排卵, 妊娠率更高,奥利司他、二甲双胍和安慰剂组的妊娠率分别为 40%、16.7% 和 3.3% [010]。

一个研究观察了二甲双胍,匹格列酮,奥利司他对多囊卵巢综合征女性的治疗作用,治疗 12 周,结果发现,尽管三组都能降低雄激素,但只有奥利司他才能显著降低胰岛素抵抗[052]。奥利司他用于肥胖和经期紊乱妇女, 可降低体重,降低BMI,改善脂代谢和糖代谢,恢复激素水平,恢复排卵[055]。


002 Effects of orlistat vs. metformin onweight loss-related clinical variables in women with PCOS systematic review and meta-analysis. - PubMed - NCBI.htm
021 The role of orlistat combined with lifestyle changes in the management of overweight and obese patients with polycystic ovary syndrome. - PubMed -NCBI.htm
010 Orlistat in polycystic ovarian syndrome reduces weight with improvement in lipid profile and pregnancy rates. - PubMed - NCBI.htm
052 Effect of metformin, orlistat and pioglitazone treatment on mean insulin resistance and its biological variability in polycystic ovary syndrome. - PubMed - NCBI.htm
055  [Use of orlistat (xenical) in the treatment of women with obesity and disorders of menstrual cycle]. - PubMed - NCBI.htm







005 Impact of Dietary Lipids on Colonic Function and Microbiota An Experimental Approach Involving Orlistat-Induced Fat Malabsorption in Human Volunte...- PubMed-NCBI.htm
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